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Annual Procurement Plan View - Australian Fisheries Management Authority

To follow the progress of Planned Procurements of interest add them to a Watch List by clicking the star icon on the right of the Planned Procurement notice.

IMPORTANT: All Planned Procurements are subject to revision, withdrawal or cancellation. Information about Planned Procurements is provided for planning purposes only and it does not represent a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by the Government to purchase the described property or services.


Strategic Procurement Outlook

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) was established under the Fisheries Administration Act 1991 (FAA) to manage Australia’s Commonwealth fisheries on behalf of the Australian community in accordance with the Fisheries Management Act 1991 (FMA).

AFMA has a central office in Canberra and regional offices in Darwin and Thursday Island and Lakes Entrance.

AFMA's work concentrates on providing fisheries management arrangements, compliance programs, licensing services and developing operational policies and regulations based on understanding and monitoring Australian marine living resources affected by Commonwealth fisheries. AFMA works in partnership with stakeholders, including commercial fishing operators and associations, researchers, environment/conservation organisations and others who have an interest in how Australia's Commonwealth fisheries are managed.

Contact Details

Jo Hobson

02 6225 5400

Email Address:

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Showing 1-3 of 3 records

Customised Electronic Monitoring Review Software

You must be a logged in AusTender registered user to watch a planned procurement
Agency Reference:
43230000 - Software
Estimated Date of Approach to Market:
Quarter 2 2023/2024
Multi Agency Access:
To Market
Brendon Crowe, 02 6225 5592,
Last Updated: 21-Nov-2023 11:13 am (ACT Local Time)

Certificate IV in Government Investigations and Defensive Tactics Training

You must be a logged in AusTender registered user to watch a planned procurement
Agency Reference:
86000000 - Education and Training Services
Estimated Date of Approach to Market:
Quarter 4 2023/2024
Multi Agency Access:
To Market
Tod Spencer, 02 6225 5312,
Last Updated: 1-May-2024 12:20 pm (ACT Local Time)

Foreign vessel caretaking and disposal services

You must be a logged in AusTender registered user to watch a planned procurement
Agency Reference:
70100000 - Fisheries and aquaculture
Estimated Date of Approach to Market:
Quarter 4 2023/2024

Original: Quarter 1 2023/2024

Multi Agency Access:
Multi Agency Access Type:
All Agencies
To Market
Change Comments:
To move ATM-Q4
Martin Scott, 02 6225 5335,
Last Updated: 20-May-2024 8:34 pm (ACT Local Time)