Panel View - PNL1957
What is a Government Buyer?
A Government Buyer is an official from an Australian Government agency who accesses AusTender to buy goods and services from Panels their agency is authorised to use. To learn more and submit a request to become a Government Buyer for your agency click the ‘Government Buyers’ button below.
Defence Support Services (DSS) Panel
The provision of services to support the acquisition and sustainment of Defence’s (Air, Joint Systems, Land and Maritime) capital equipment and systems projects.
- 28-Jun-2022
Updates to Service Provider contact details.
- 25-Aug-2022
Updates to Service Provider contact details
- 26-Apr-2023
19/04/2023 - Jo vdL - change made in relation to email received 3/4/2023 requesting change of representative from Alexandra Troutman to Nyomie Horton.
- 26-Apr-2023
Updated Systra Scott Lister Australia Pty Ltd contact details.
- 27-Apr-2023
Amended UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd primary contact details from Kathryn Hogan to Frederic Trost
- 3-May-2023
Added contact details and capabilities and levels for ASC Shipbuilding Pty Ltd
- 22-May-2023
Added Company Profile for NEF Group Pty Ltd
- 24-May-2023
Company Profile added and contact details amended IAW DSS email 19/5/23 (Nh)
- 30-May-2023
Amended KPMG's Commercial Services - Contract Management & Contract Performance levels under the Supplier Capabilties section to include Level 4. This aligns to Attachment B, the Defence DSS BMS system and the Service provider Rates - 1 March 2023 spreadsheet (on DS4P).
- 31-May-2023
Updated POC from Rachel to Peter Kohler
- 5-Jun-2023
POC updated from John - Kristen as well as the Office Location. (Nh)
- 14-Jun-2023
14/06/2023 - JvdL - Service Provider Representative changed for KBR from Rob Hawketts to Nic Maan.
- 14-Jun-2023
14/06/2023 - JvdL - Amended Akkodis Australia Consulting Pty Ltd Representative from Daniel Vaeth Levin to Charla Browne. Also amended email address to
- 15-Jun-2023
14/06/2023 - JvdL - Updated the capabilities inline with agreed at commencement of DSS Panel
- 19-Jun-2023
Email update.
- 20-Jun-2023
20/06/2023 - JvdL - amended Service Provider Representative for RPS AAP Consulting Pty Ltd from David Long to Alistair McClusky as per email dated 14/06/2023. All other details remained the same.
- 26-Jun-2023
change my contact email
- 26-Jun-2023
26/06/2023 - JvdL - Updated OMNI Executive Pty Ltd Contact Details from Peter Short to Sonya Hogan.
- 27-Jun-2023
POC/ email updated
- 27-Jun-2023
27/06/2023 - Amended email contact details for KoBold Group Pty Limited.
- 28-Jun-2023
28/06/2023 - Updated Contact Phone number for RPS AAP Consulting Pty Ltd
- 29-Jun-2023
29/06/2023 - Amended email address for Mentum Systems Pty Ltd (trading as Atturra MCS)
- 4-Jul-2023
04/07/2023 - JvdL - Updated email address for Adroita Pty Ltd
- 10-Jul-2023
7/7/23 AK - amended NTT Australia email address as it was incorrect.
- 14-Jul-2023
Added Colliers International Company Profile
- 14-Jul-2023
Added new RFQTS and Offical Order Documents that include the significant events clause. Also updated some POC details.
- 3-Aug-2023
Amended rates spreadsheet to reflect name change for AGIS Group Pty Ltd to Downer Professional Services Pty Ltd
- 17-Aug-2023
RMC Pty Ltd and Connexxion Pty Ltd have Withdrawn from the DSS Panel. I have therefore suspended them and made them inactive in the pricing table.
- 31-Aug-2023
29/08/2023 - JvdL - Amended Email contact details for Swordfish Computing Pty Ltd
- 31-Aug-2023
31/08/2023 - JvdL - Updated Skills Set/Rates spreadsheet and Suspended The Leadership and Management Team as they have withdrawn from the Panel
- 5-Sep-2023
05/09/2023 - JvdL - Updated details for ElmTEK Pty Ltd as a result of a name change to Aurizn Defence Pty Ltd (formerly ElmTEK Pty Ltd).
- 6-Sep-2023
06/09/2023 - Updated Service Representative Contact for Pennant Australasia Pty Ltd from Anthony Wilkinson to Stravros Tsolakides.
- 7-Sep-2023
06/09/2023 - JvdL - Updated the Company Profile for Veritec Pty Ltd
- 12-Sep-2023
12/09/2023 ML amended Atos Holding Australia 1 Pty Ltd in line with Novation
- 15-Sep-2023
Updated Supplier Name on DSS Panel - Service Provider Rates
- 5-Oct-2023
Change in Buisness name for Coffey Services Australia Pty Ltd to Tetra Tech Coffey Pty Ltd (Formerly Coffey Services Australia Pty Ltd)
- 11-Oct-2023
Updare of provider name - XKG - should be XKG (formerly Kul Technologies Pty Ltd)
- 11-Oct-2023
Update to 4. DSS Panel - Service Provider Rates
- 30-Oct-2023
Republsihing dut to change in provider name
- 31-Oct-2023
Change in service provider name in 4. DSS Panel - Service Provider Rates
- 1-Nov-2023
Update to service provider names in pricing table.
- 6-Nov-2023
Update to excel service provider matrix document
- 7-Nov-2023
Updated Service Providers contact details.
- 7-Nov-2023
Capabilities added to a provider
- 22-Nov-2023
Update to service provider name - matrix
- 4-Dec-2023
Change in Provider Name.
- 5-Dec-2023
Change in DSS Panel - Service Provider Rates
- 7-Dec-2023
Change in provider matrix
- 18-Dec-2023
Update to provider name in 4. DSS Panel - Service Provider Rates - 18 December 2023
- 17-Jan-2024
Change in 4. DSS Panel - Service Provider Rates - 16 January 2024.
- 19-Jan-2024
Removal of provider trading name in 4. DSS Panel - Service Provider Rates - 19 January 2024.xlsx. Republsihing Excel file.
- 12-Feb-2024
Change to provider pricing matrix
- 1-Mar-2024
Added 1 March 2024 price variation.
- 4-Mar-2024
Change in 4. DSS Panel - Service Provider Rates - 4 March 2024
- 5-Mar-2024
Change to service provider contact details.
- 13-Mar-2024
Addition of company profile for Opus International Consultants
- 13-Mar-2024
Uploaded new compnay profile for NEF Group
- 18-Mar-2024
Change to provider rates and addition of a company profile.
- 21-Mar-2024
Change in company profile
- 25-Mar-2024
Change in DSS Panel - Service Provider Rates, update to provider contact details and addition of service provider profile.
- 2-Apr-2024
Change to DSS Panel - Service Provider Rates Spreadsheet
- 8-Apr-2024
Change in provider contact details.
- 23-Apr-2024
Provider details updated 19/4/24.
- 1-May-2024
Update service provider due to a novation.
- 9-May-2024
1. Contact details updated for Ontoit Global Pty Ltd
2. New provider profile added for Information Services Group
- 14-May-2024
Updated compnay profile for NEF Group
- 16-May-2024
Update to the DSS Panel service provider rates spreadsheet.
- 23-May-2024
suspension of withdrawn service provider - Crestfield Consulting
- 23-May-2024
Clean up of inactive suppliers - marked as inactive in DS4P
- 3-Jun-2024
Update to Pennant Australasia Pty Ltd point of contact.
- 4-Jun-2024
Change in service provider contact details.
- 4-Jun-2024
Servcie Provider (Perpetro Pty Limitd) withdrawn from the Panel - Service Provider Rates updated to show they are no longer active.
- 7-Jun-2024
Perpetro Pty Limited and Nimbus Advisory suspended as they have withdrawn from the DSS Panel.
- 14-Jun-2024
Added contact details and Skill Sets/Levels for the International Centre for Complex Project Management Limited (Formerly ICCPM Solutions Pty Ltd)
- 25-Jun-2024
Change in email address for service provider
- 2-Jul-2024
Changes to DSS Panel - RFQTS docuemnt, DSS Panel - Quotation Document and DSS Panel - Official Order Document
- 3-Jul-2024
Pricing matrix updated due to service provider name chagne and update to service provider contact details.
- 19-Jul-2024
Updated Provider details and new pricing matrix
- 19-Jul-2024
Activated Cosync Pty Ltd following novation from Swift Systems Pty Ltd
- 26-Jul-2024
Activation of new provider after deed of novation
- 29-Jul-2024
Chagne in pricing matrix
- 30-Jul-2024
Withdrawal of Australian Target Systems from the Panel and update to pricing matrix to refelct withdrawal.
- 2-Aug-2024
Withdrawal of 3 x service providers from the DSS Panel.
- 7-Aug-2024
update to proivder contact details x 2.
- 12-Aug-2024
Change in proivers name in pricing matrix and updated providers email address.
- 12-Aug-2024
Pricing Matrix Updated
- 13-Aug-2024
Service Provider - Hume and Associates Consulting Pty Ltd have withdrawn from the DSS Panel.
Service Provider suspended and pricing matrix updated to reflect withdrawal.
- 16-Aug-2024
Pricing Matrix updated to refelect change in service provider name.
- 19-Aug-2024
Update to contact details for service porivder CPM Reviews Pty Ltd.
- 22-Aug-2024
Change in contact details for a service provider
- 28-Aug-2024
Change of contact details for Veris Pty Ltd from Nicholas Herath to Jonathan Howe Mob. 0447889648 as requested by CEO
- 29-Aug-2024
Withdrawal of Manuka Projects from the DSS Panel.
- 2-Sep-2024
Withdrawal of RXP Services Pty Ltd from the DSS Panel
- 2-Sep-2024
Suspension of Rubik3 Pty Ltd due to insolvnecy event
- 2-Sep-2024
Change of name to MinterEllison Consulting Pty Limited. Change of contact email and phine number. Update to pricing matrix.
- 4-Sep-2024
Contact details for Sigma Bravo Pty Ltd updated.
- 24-Sep-2024
Withdrawal from DSS Panel - L3 Communications Aust Pty Ltd.
- 25-Sep-2024
Change of POC and phone number to company.
- 27-Sep-2024
26/9/24 - another change to the email POC (two email changes in the one week).
- 30-Sep-2024
Update to pricing matrix
- 30-Sep-2024
Addition of capabilites to novated service proivider.
- 3-Oct-2024
change of POC for Adroita to Marc Pavillard.
- 4-Oct-2024
change of POC for Altis.
- 8-Oct-2024
New contact number for ADROITA. Updated accordingly
- 15-Oct-2024
Update to pricing matrix and suspension of novated supplier.
- 17-Oct-2024
Activation of iTSN
- 24-Oct-2024
22/10/24 - update to service provider POC x 3.
- 29-Oct-2024
add contact details for new ABN and also re add skill sets against the new ABN.
- 22-Nov-2024
DSS Panel Rate Attachment updated to correct an error.
- 27-Nov-2024
Updated point of contact details for Risk Decisions Pty Ltd due to request from Service Provider.
arrow 1 Program Management Services
capability.Descriptionarrow 2 Engineering and Technical Services
capability.Descriptionarrow 3 Materiel Logistics Services
capability.Descriptionarrow 4 Commercial Services
capability.Descriptionarrow 5 Corporate Performance Services
capability.Descriptionarrow 6 Authoring and Writing Services
capability.DescriptionSupplier Name | ABN | State | Postcode | Deed Start Date | Deed End Date |
12thLevel Pty Ltd | 46 109 799 171 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
1448 Pty LTD | 17 607 486 920 | NSW | 2620 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
460degrees MG | 54 609 020 751 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
4FRONT ENGINEERING PTY LTD | 37 603 368 127 | NSW | 2450 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
4impact Pty Ltd | 32 115 749 794 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
A.T.Kearney Australia Pty Ltd | 20 071 957 474 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
aadi Defence Pty Ltd | 37 110 327 510 | VIC | 3103 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ABL (Australia) Pty Ltd. Previously - London Offshore Consultants (Australia) Pty Ltd | 67 009 301 642 | WA | 6005 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ABLE INDUSTRIES ENGINEERING PTY LTD | 31 213 464 545 | VIC | 3015 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Accenture Australia Pty Ltd | 49 096 776 895 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Acticor Pty Ltd | 14 153 701 314 | VIC | 3461 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ACW CONSULTING (AUSTRALIA) Pty Ltd | 65 136 626 429 | NSW | 2150 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Adept Partners Pty Ltd | 66 618 253 633 | NSW | 2620 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ADROITA PTY LTD | 15 612 224 941 | NSW | 2773 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Advanced Composite Structures Australia Pty Ltd | 15 144 940 876 | VIC | 3207 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Advanced Design Technology Pty Ltd | 41 120 824 393 | QLD | 4703 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Advanced Project Principles Pty Ltd | 93 256 515 514 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Advanced VTOL Technologies Pty Ltd | 85 084 687 785 | VIC | 3352 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Advitech Pty Limited | 29 003 433 458 | NSW | 2304 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
AECOM Australia Pty Limited | 20 093 846 925 | QLD | 4006 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
AERO PM PTY LTD | 18 601 473 894 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Aerosafe Risk Management Pty Ltd | 52 094 222 876 | NSW | 2019 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Aerospace and Mechanical Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd | 37 121 120 619 | NSW | 2756 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Aerospace Solutions Pty Ltd | 69 096 192 068 | QLD | 4069 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Agilient Pty Ltd | 37 157 911 441 | NSW | 2541 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Agora Consulting Pty Ltd | 28 604 109 604 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
AJF Professional Services Pty Ltd | 42 712 776 275 | SA | 5091 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Akkodis Australia Consulting Pty Ltd | 25 076 517 354 | VIC | 3006 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Aksel Bakker Pty Ltd (formerly Brahms & Carter) | 31 626 491 192 | QLD | 4000 | 02-Jan-2020 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ALARP Solutions Pty Ltd | 42 154 592 515 | NSW | 2621 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Altis Consulting Pty Ltd | 85 081 942 609 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
AMOG Pty Ltd | 12 065 475 818 | VIC | 3168 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Anywise Consulting Pty Ltd | 86 169 092 960 | VIC | 3056 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Applied Satellite Technology Australia Pty Ltd | 33 065 247 412 | WA | 6017 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Aquasora Pty Ltd | 57 122 300 636 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ArcBlue Consulting (Aus) Pty Ltd | 20 153 862 892 | VIC | 3006 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ARCHTIS LIMITED | 79 123 098 671 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ARIA Project Management Solutions Pty Ltd | 82 125 302 614 | NSW | 2015 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ArthurTech Pty Ltd | 47 615 884 378 | ACT | 2914 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ASC PTY LTD | 64 008 605 034 | SA | 5017 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ASC SHIPBUILDING PTY LTD (trading as BAE Systems Maritime Australia) | 15 051 899 864 | SA | 5017 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Ascent Professional Services PTY LTD | 97 613 991 110 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Asena Asset Management Pty Ltd | 94 606 978 634 | NSW | 2060 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Ashurst Australia | 75 304 286 095 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Asq Project Management Pty Ltd | 53 139 096 076 | NSW | 2010 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
AtkinsRealis Australia Pty Ltd | 50 080 356 850 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Attribute 3 Pty Ltd | 88 104 981 820 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Aurec Pty Ltd (doing business as Chalfont Solutions) | 60 103 121 464 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Aurecon (Australasia) Pty Ltd | 54 005 139 873 | VIC | 3008 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Aurega Group | 24 614 369 569 | VIC | 3930 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Aurizn Defence Pty Ltd (formerly elmTEK Pty Ltd) | 98 159 214 605 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Aurizn Solutions Pty Ltd (Formerly Consilium Technology Pty Ltd) | 44 143 250 882 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Austability Pty Ltd | 98 621 874 368 | NSW | 2150 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Australian Government Solicitor | 69 405 937 639 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Australian Maritime Technologies Pty Ltd | 40 083 122 507 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Australian Survey Research Pty Ltd | 73 105 204 475 | VIC | 3204 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Australian Welding Solutions (AWS) | 39 801 835 643 | SA | 5039 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Automation and Process Control Services Pty Ltd | 76 497 109 667 | SA | 5014 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
AviPro | 94 154 052 883 | NSW | 2008 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Avon Valley Holdings Pty Ltd | 70 009 327 208 | WA | 6076 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Avyon Pty Ltd | 26 612 078 887 | NSW | 2036 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Babcock Pty Limited | 32 050 019 817 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Bartonvale Technologies | 71 509 634 027 | SA | 5095 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Basic Engineering Concepts and Technologies Inc | 86 360 707 316 | Outside Australia | 22314 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
BCT Solutions PTY LTD | 72 604 144 685 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Beca Pty Ltd | 85 004 974 341 | VIC | 3004 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Bechtel Management Pty Ltd | 19 606 508 427 | QLD | 4006 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Bellchambers Barrett Pty Ltd | 14 942 509 138 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Bendelta Pty Ltd | 58 105 151 326 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Bevington Group | 12 080 534 005 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Bidsmith Pty Ltd (Formerly BMV Solutions Pty Ltd) | 42 137 373 972 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Birdon Pty Ltd | 59 002 810 255 | NSW | 2444 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Blake and Sons Consulting Pty Ltd | 68 118 589 816 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
BLT Consulting Pty Ltd | 45 140 764 629 | QLD | 4069 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Blue Visions Management | 93 095 779 972 | NSW | 2060 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
BMT Defence and Security Australia Pty Ltd | 74 112 778 444 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Bokhara Projects Pty Ltd | 85 619 368 348 | ACT | 2617 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Booka Consulting Pty Ltd | 32 609 533 468 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Boskon Solutions Pty Ltd | 71 617 548 151 | NSW | 2620 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Boxing Clever Pty Ltd | 21 135 169 489 | NSW | 2093 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Brady Perspectives Pty Ltd | 97 615 695 862 | ACT | 2607 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
BRESON Consultants Pty Ltd | 78 153 691 573 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Bridge IT Engineering Pty Ltd | 11 087 255 472 | ACT | 2617 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Bright Consulting | 85 156 575 647 | ACT | 2602 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Broadleaf Capital International Pty Ltd | 24 054 021 117 | NSW | 2062 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
BROOKE INSTITUTE PTY LTD | 11 162 612 553 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
BROWNSTONE CONSULTING PTY LTD | 54 601 183 617 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
BSI Group ANZ Pty Ltd | 72 078 659 211 | NSW | 2113 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
BSI People Pty Ltd | 45 096 568 259 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Bureau Services Pty Ltd | 50 607 549 422 | ACT | 2602 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
BUREAU TECHNOLOGIES GROUP PTY LTD | 75 007 423 789 | VIC | 3178 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Business Aspect Pty Ltd | 73 149 208 131 | QLD | 4066 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Business Review Group Pty Ltd | 75 086 417 889 | ACT | 2614 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
C42 CONSULTING PTY LTD | 33 601 734 712 | NSW | 2065 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cadence Economics PTY LIMITED | 89 169 925 222 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Callida Pty Ltd | 40 154 007 664 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Calytrix Technologies Pty Ltd | 75 092 706 217 | WA | 6000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Canberra Consulting Pty Ltd | 57 139 224 436 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Capability Partners Asset Management | 68 123 619 009 | NSW | 2154 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Capagility Pty Ltd | 92 647 147 260 | ACT | 2605 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
CAPDA Consulting | 13 151 394 062 | ACT | 2902 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Capgemini Australia Pty Ltd | 11 092 284 314 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Capital Insight Pty Limited | 76 056 297 100 | NSW | 2060 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Capital Workforce Solutions Pty Ltd | 30 115 794 271 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Carinya Group Pty Ltd | 53 123 701 940 | NSW | 2073 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
CASL Technology PTY LTD | 50 166 832 088 | SA | 5126 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Catalyst Commercial Pty Ltd | 43 162 760 554 | NSW | 2619 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Catechize Pty Ltd | 80 610 064 563 | NSW | 2582 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Centrix-PM (Aust) Pty Ltd | 17 974 409 236 | VIC | 3220 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Chandler Macleod Group Limited | 33 090 555 052 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Charles Kendall Australia Pty Ltd | 86 121 595 337 | QLD | 4001 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Charterpoint Pty Ltd | 17 160 453 994 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
CICA Group | 99 153 821 688 | VIC | 3004 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
CISCO SYSTEMS AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED | 52 050 332 940 | NSW | 2061 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Clayton Utz | 35 740 217 343 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cloonmore Pty Ltd | 39 147 906 394 | WA | 6000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Codarra Advanced Systems Pty Ltd | 81 008 651 723 | NSW | 2620 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cogent Business Solutions Pty Ltd | 44 076 633 200 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cogility Pty Ltd | 84 162 766 403 | QLD | 4001 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cogito Group Pty Ltd | 20 151 795 998 | ACT | 2614 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Collaboration Zone Pty Ltd | 59 609 538 007 | NSW | 2560 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Collagis Pty Ltd | 87 965 704 329 | NSW | 2060 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Colliers International Project Management Pty Ltd | 94 003 734 692 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Commerce Decisions Pty Ltd | 14 605 339 580 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Communication Link | 49 081 231 629 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Communications Design & Management Pty Limited | 15 053 788 720 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Compas Pty Ltd | 90 008 615 745 | ACT | 2617 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Consunet Pty Ltd | 45 101 066 059 | SA | 5031 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Content Group Pty Ltd | 40 056 881 844 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Coolamon Advisors Pty Ltd | 18 904 562 875 | ACT | 2602 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Coras Solutions Pty Ltd | 64 608 730 454 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cordelta Pty Ltd | 69 107 788 401 | ACT | 2606 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Core Consultants Pty Ltd | 75 603 384 050 | QLD | 4558 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cornerstone B2B Solutions Pty Ltd | 14 146 633 329 | VIC | 3144 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cornerstone Management Consulting Pty Ltd | 34 126 804 608 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cortexia | 55 604 991 022 | QLD | 4152 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cosync Pty Ltd | 18 676 179 865 | VIC | 3181 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
CPM Reviews Pty Ltd | 93 151 808 374 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
CRONDO Pty Ltd | 44 159 739 723 | NSW | 2287 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Crown Management Consultants Pty Ltd | 13 066 167 557 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
CSO Group Pty Ltd | 32 617 639 522 | WA | 6011 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
CTO Group | 32 867 906 135 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cubic Defence Australia Pty Ltd | 88 122 798 207 | QLD | 4810 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cushman & Wakefield Pty Ltd | 77 074 196 991 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Cynosure Consulting Group Pty Ltd | 93 612 373 127 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Daronmont Technologies Pty Ltd | 73 007 030 855 | VIC | 3125 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DDLS Australia Pty Ltd | 55 133 222 241 | QLD | 4207 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DDS Australia | 31 120 074 277 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DEBTECH PTY LTD | 41 110 045 200 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Decision Analysis Services Proprietary Limited | 56 613 739 085 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DEFCO Pty Ltd | 99 604 662 839 | NSW | 2823 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Defence Business Solutions Pty Ltd | 96 152 345 849 | NSW | 2316 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Delivering Project Solutions Pty Ltd | 63 659 453 924 | ACT | 2614 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Dell Australia Pty Limited | 46 003 855 561 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu | 74 490 121 060 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DEWC Services Pty Ltd | 77 623 521 906 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Dialog Pty Limited | 16 010 089 175 | QLD | 4101 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DIGITAL PHYSICS PTY LTD | 41 164 052 484 | QLD | 4870 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DKD Consulting Pty Ltd | 89 617 610 143 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DMAA Seaforce Pty Ltd | 21 131 677 515 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DMV Consulting | 88 675 004 297 | ACT | 2602 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DNV GL Australia Pty Limited | 14 154 635 319 | NSW | 2060 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Donald Cant Watts Corke | 32 143 017 985 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Downer EDI Engineering Power Pty Ltd | 53 000 983 700 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Downer Professional Services Pty Ltd (previously AGIS Group Pty Ltd) | 34 129 384 032 | NSW | 2113 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Dream Think Do | 81 116 517 803 | ACT | 2615 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
duMonde International Pty Ltd | 52 646 493 496 | VIC | 3207 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Dunbar Logistics Consulting Pty Ltd | 97 239 865 695 | NSW | 2619 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DWS (NSW) Pty Ltd | 93 115 070 301 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
DXC Technology Australia Pty Limited | 18 008 476 944 | NSW | 2113 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Earlybird Events | 75 594 767 054 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
EBA Solutions Pty Ltd | 67 150 902 677 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Ebor Systems Pty Ltd | 90 125 631 521 | SA | 5031 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Eclips Pty Ltd | 96 122 861 849 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
EcoThought Pty Ltd | 15 125 372 821 | VIC | 3453 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Effective People Pty Ltd | 79 063 100 201 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Eggler Enterprises Pty Ltd | 94 135 236 583 | ACT | 2607 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Egis Consulting Pty Ltd (formerly Calibre Group Pty Ltd) | 55 070 683 037 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Egis Oceania Pty Ltd (previously Indec Consulting Pty Ltd) | 23 005 992 254 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Elabor8 Pty Ltd | 99 140 329 059 | VIC | 3052 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Elemess Consulting Pty Ltd | 47 601 199 802 | ACT | 2607 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Elysium EPL Pty Ltd | 63 618 153 174 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
EML Australia | 91 127 801 585 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Engineering and Scientific Systems Pty Ltd | 90 008 635 185 | NSW | 2541 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Enginium Pty Ltd | 83 131 337 561 | NSW | 2620 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Envista Pty Ltd | 26 114 790 215 | ACT | 2615 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
EPE Oceania Pty Ltd (formerly Explosive Protective Equipment) | 46 003 083 609 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Epica Solutions Pty Ltd | 64 123 518 178 | NSW | 2750 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
EQBD Pty Limited | 59 619 458 589 | NSW | 2300 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Equifax Australasia Credit Ratings Pty Ltd T/A Corporate Scorecard | 33 007 527 611 | NSW | 2060 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Equity Partners Accountants Advisers | 60 925 763 243 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Ernst & Young | 75 288 172 749 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Esri Australia Pty Ltd | 16 008 852 775 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Eviden Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Atos Holdings Australia 1 Pty Ltd) | 13 664 540 872 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Exchange Consulting Pty Ltd | 17 617 266 476 | NSW | 2111 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
FBG Group PTY LTD | 32 132 452 718 | VIC | 3121 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Fennek Group Pty Ltd | 23 619 217 793 | ACT | 2615 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL ADVISORY PTY LTD | 30 640 354 758 | NSW | 2026 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
FinXL IT Professional Services Pty Ltd, T/A Southern Cross Computing | 74 104 804 793 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
FIRMUS Consulting Pty Ltd | 36 129 445 601 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Five Phase Group Proprietary Limited | 45 123 794 703 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Fortis Consulting | 66 100 863 751 | WA | 6027 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Franmarine Underwater Services Pty Ltd | 81 059 653 459 | WA | 6166 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd | 20 578 377 332 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
FreebodyCogent Pty Ltd | 50 081 580 387 | NSW | 2582 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Fyusion Asia Pacific Ptd Ltd | 82 107 777 551 | NSW | 2065 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Gadzooks Pty Ltd | 86 068 441 912 | SA | 5096 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Galent Pty Limited | 47 169 752 578 | ACT | 2607 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
GAP3 Engineering and Management Solutions | 38 616 858 336 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
GatherR Pty Ltd | 84 619 155 681 | ACT | 2906 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Geodetica Pty Ltd | 32 613 591 941 | ACT | 2911 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Geospatial Intelligence Pty Ltd | 72 102 835 610 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
GH Solutions Pty Ltd | 76 129 758 569 | ACT | 2913 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
GHD Pty Ltd | 39 008 488 373 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Gibbs & Cox (Australia) Pty Ltd | 36 114 790 260 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Gibbs & Cox Incorporated | 42 837 647 080 | ACT | 2606 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Giordano EDC Pty Ltd | 20 641 012 957 | SA | 5068 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Goal Professional Services Pty Ltd | 65 122 098 695 | NSW | 2300 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
GOSBLO Assurance Pty Ltd | 65 157 872 314 | QLD | 4810 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
GPA Engineering Pty Ltd | 71 576 133 774 | SA | 5061 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
GR IT Solutions Pty Ltd | 86 613 132 433 | ACT | 2911 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
GRA Supply Chain Pty Ltd | 65 605 163 639 | VIC | 3002 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
GrayMorr Consulting Pty Ltd | 87 129 502 567 | NSW | 2536 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
GREENSON PTY LTD | 30 004 923 442 | SA | 3142 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Grey Advantage Consulting Pty Limited | 54 082 967 584 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Grosvenor Performance Group Pty Ltd (formerly Grosvenor Management Consulting Pty Ltd) | 47 105 237 590 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Ground Effects Consulting | 43 167 878 604 | SA | 5152 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Group 10 Consulting | 36 163 479 883 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
H.I.Fraser Pty Ltd | 67 003 343 271 | NSW | 2102 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Hays Specialist Recruitment (Australia) Pty Limited | 47 001 407 281 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
HKA Global Pty Ltd | 75 085 532 047 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Holocentric Pty Ltd | 73 052 972 095 | NSW | 2065 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Horsell Consulting Pty Ltd | 20 125 234 317 | VIC | 3182 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
House of Kitch Pty Ltd | 40 613 936 664 | NSW | 2025 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
HTR Group Pty LTD | 57 102 534 654 | NSW | 2009 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Hunter Management Solutions Pty Ltd | 43 005 830 501 | NSW | 2318 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Huntington Ingalls Industries Australia Pty Ltd | 39 614 439 664 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
HWLE Consulting Pty Ltd | 47 158 617 497 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Hydrix Services Pty Ltd | 60 621 448 299 | VIC | 3170 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ICENI GROUP PTY LTD | 50 607 624 304 | NSW | 2232 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ICS INDUSTRIAL CONSULTING SERVICES PTY LTD | 22 056 980 146 | QLD | 4220 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Ignite | 43 002 724 334 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
illion Australia Pty Ltd | 95 006 399 677 | VIC | 3004 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Illuminated Solutions Pty Ltd | 31 050 461 268 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
IMA Management & Technology Pty Ltd | 78 159 837 939 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
INCAT CROWTHER PTY LTD | 23 104 658 791 | NSW | 2085 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
INCITIAS Pty Ltd | 47 604 177 362 | VIC | 3095 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Independent Information Technology Pty Limited | 89 001 555 700 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Indigenous Defence and Infrastructure Consortium Pty Ltd | 47 608 305 559 | NSW | 2019 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
INDIGENOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PTY LTD | 32 608 918 252 | WA | 6011 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Infinite Consulting Pty Ltd | 56 081 954 645 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Informatech Pty Ltd | 43 602 931 564 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Information Quality Pty Ltd | 83 138 252 990 | WA | 6155 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Information Services Group | 85 108 959 360 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Infosys Limited | 52 090 591 209 | Outside Australia | 560100 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Inovor Technologies Pty Ltd | 97 159 954 659 | SA | 5081 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Insitec Pty Ltd | 63 097 025 968 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Inspired Corporation | 71 145 171 071 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Integrated Design & Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd | 24 100 616 868 | NSW | 2322 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
International Centre for Complex Project Management Limited | 77 127 367 373 | ACT | 2600 | 28-Feb-2024 | 20-Apr-2025 |
International Industry Consultants Pty Limited | 14 058 417 860 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
International Maritime Consultants Pty Ltd | 88 065 754 341 | WA | 6160 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
International Scientific Management Pty Ltd | 68 110 868 874 | VIC | 3037 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Ionize Pty Ltd | 62 132 569 941 | ACT | 2615 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
IPSA Holdings Australia Pty Ltd | 19 623 722 547 | WA | 6100 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
iTSN Australia Pty Ltd | 65 680 183 868 | ACT | 2605 | 15-Oct-2024 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Jacobs Australia Pty Limited | 12 079 749 287 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Jenkins Engineering Defence Systems Pty Ltd | 40 003 842 126 | NSW | 2036 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Jet Aviation Australia Pty Ltd | 94 001 540 316 | NSW | 2200 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
JL2 Defence Services Pty Ltd | 32 164 764 461 | ACT | 2617 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
John Butler Design Pty Ltd | 26 702 757 556 | NSW | 2155 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
JVAT Solutions Pty Ltd | 85 803 833 768 | VIC | 3008 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Kabed Consulting Pty Ltd | 35 738 611 216 | VIC | 3113 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Karl Engineering Pty Ltd | 44 128 484 668 | SA | 5089 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
KCM Consulting Pty Ltd | 97 677 328 773 | ACT | 2600 | 09-Jul-2024 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Kellogg Brown & Root Pty Ltd (KBR) | 91 007 660 317 | SA | 5063 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Keyholder Pty Ltd | 17 158 431 371 | ACT | 2611 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Kiah Pty Ltd | 20 105 662 735 | NSW | 2582 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Kinexus People (Kinexus) | 55 096 816 974 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
King & Wood Mallesons | 22 041 424 954 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Kitbag Consulting Pty Ltd | 83 137 685 628 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Klepper Pty Ltd | 92 064 095 969 | QLD | 4061 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Know Your Data PTY LTD | 52 117 370 171 | VIC | 5211 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
KoBold Group Pty Limited (trading as Atturra Management Control Solutions) | 67 105 421 976 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
KPMG Australia | 51 194 660 183 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
KPMG Australia Engineering Consulting Pty Ltd | 57 622 249 754 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
KR Digital | 15 617 539 821 | ACT | 2614 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
L3Harris Integrated Mission Systems Australia Pty Ltd | 28 009 019 603 | WA | 6160 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
LANDELL CORPORATION PTY LTD | 73 089 115 926 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Lange Consulting & Software | 15 079 494 518 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Lateral Project Management Pty Ltd | 34 119 675 820 | QLD | 4069 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
lawyerbank | 23 159 266 583 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
LBE Technology Pty Ltd | 82 136 615 533 | NSW | 2077 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Lean Strategy Pty Ltd | 71 932 447 072 | NSW | 2040 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Leidos Australia Pty Ltd | 79 612 590 155 | ACT | 2900 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Lifeology Pty Ltd | 42 604 967 991 | NSW | 2232 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
LIME Solutions Pty Ltd | 81 616 148 942 | SA | 5125 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Linch-pin Enterprises | 19 094 500 062 | WA | 6056 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
LODESTAR Advisory Services Pty Ltd | 85 157 751 622 | QLD | 4380 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Logi-Tech Pty Ltd | 78 566 502 657 | SA | 5033 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
LogiCamms Australia Pty Ltd | 34 113 919 565 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Logikal Projects Pty Ltd | 71 009 428 031 | NT | 6160 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Logistic Engineering Services Pty Ltd | 47 090 602 958 | VIC | 3030 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Logistic Solutions Australasia Pty Ltd | 62 082 483 154 | VIC | 3006 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Logistics Pty Ltd | 67 006 734 827 | QLD | 4310 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
LTBit Pty Ltd | 32 157 835 348 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Luminact Pty Ltd | 66 614 795 818 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Lynnwood Consulting | 21 264 459 541 | NSW | 2158 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Maddocks | 63 478 951 337 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Madlin Projects Pty Ltd | 59 089 047 834 | ACT | 2614 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Magentus Group Pty Limited (formerly The Citadel Limited) | 79 127 151 026 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Major Training Services Pty Ltd | 57 064 001 270 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Manteena Security (Aust) Pty Ltd | 39 135 926 046 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Mayfair Consultancy Services Aust Pty Ltd | 11 064 509 883 | NSW | 2619 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
MBPD PTY LTD | 64 160 081 514 | NSW | 2071 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
McGarry Associates Pty Ltd | 18 159 217 955 | WA | 6230 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
McGrathNicol Corporate Advisory | 34 824 776 937 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
MEMKO Pty Ltd | 18 125 451 836 | VIC | 3441 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Mentum Systems Pty Ltd (trading as Atturra MCS) | 30 156 123 723 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Meta PM Pty Ltd | 38 697 378 930 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
MICROSECURE NORTHWEST GROUP | 47 083 888 528 | VIC | 3757 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Mile & Stone Pty Ltd | 42 602 490 040 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Mills Oakley | 51 493 069 734 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
MinterEllison Consulting Pty Limited (formerly ITNewcom Pty Ltd) | 50 077 613 828 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Mirragin Consulting | 91 149 778 165 | QLD | 4074 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
MODE Design Corp Ltd | 65 112 807 931 | QLD | 4006 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
MPA Engineering Pty Ltd | 77 011 069 533 | QLD | 4305 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Murray Consulting Solutions | 17 123 489 207 | NSW | 2303 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Muru Management Consulting Pty Ltd | 53 613 314 551 | NSW | 2324 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
MXA Consulting Pty Ltd | 16 233 295 918 | NSW | 2620 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Nation Partners Pty Ltd | 96 166 861 892 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
NEF Group Pty Ltd | 38 606 475 745 | ACT | 2614 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
NEXIA DUESBURYS | 59 903 291 025 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Ngamuru Advisory Pty Ltd | 27 610 399 767 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Noetic Solutions Pty Ltd | 87 098 132 024 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Northrop Grumman Australia Pty Ltd | 78 156 458 981 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Nova Systems Australia Pty Ltd | 39 613 308 008 | SA | 5031 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Noventus Pty Ltd | 78 134 330 046 | VIC | 3004 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
NRI Australia Limited (formerly SMS Consulting Group Ltd) | 57 070 045 117 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
NTT Australia Digital Pty Ltd | 31 100 103 268 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
NTT Australia Pty Ltd | 65 003 371 239 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
O2C Solutions | 30 104 968 621 | ACT | 2902 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Ocean Software Pty Ltd | 59 086 314 883 | VIC | 3182 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Omni Executive Pty Ltd | 31 160 925 413 | ACT | 2602 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ONEPOINTSIX PTY LTD | 39 041 239 292 | VIC | 3051 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Ontoit Global Pty Ltd | 68 001 220 816 | VIC | 8003 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
P&L Maritime Solutions | 74 608 308 041 | QLD | 4740 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
P-CON Support Systems Pty Ltd | 62 140 526 549 | NSW | 2154 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
PACIFIC AEROSPACE CONSULTING PTY LTD | 58 112 563 210 | NSW | 2065 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Pacific Aerotech Pty Ltd | 27 610 194 762 | NSW | 2156 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Pacific Engineering Systems International Pty Ltd | 49 002 776 276 | NSW | 2037 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Paladin Risk Management Services | 99 449 164 639 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Palladium International Pty Ltd | 23 010 020 201 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Paxon Consulting Group Pty Ltd | 23 970 908 281 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Pennant Australasia Pty Ltd | 50 096 370 188 | VIC | 3168 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Pentagon Engineering (previously Sciaxiom) | 34 203 781 937 | NSW | 2291 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Penten Pty Ltd (Formally known as Pen10 Services Pty Ltd) | 37 168 681 212 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Perform Zone | 25 103 297 552 | VIC | 3122 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Petersen Ink | 32 829 316 174 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Phasor Innovation Pty Ltd | 47 613 995 458 | VIC | 3442 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Phoenix ICT Solutions Pty Ltd | 44 632 266 598 | ACT | 2617 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Pinnibar Pty Ltd | 97 332 058 167 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Pitt Group Pty Ltd | 27 081 265 572 | VIC | 3121 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Plan Safe Pty Ltd | 63 617 403 924 | NSW | 2122 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
PLEXSYS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD | 85 606 673 143 | QLD | 4122 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
PM-Partners group | 13 084 197 795 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
PMLogic | 43 262 058 038 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Portcullis Consulting Propriety Limited | 68 143 521 082 | ACT | 2903 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Power Initiatives | 78 066 551 773 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Powerdata Group Consulting | 15 107 160 770 | VIC | 3183 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Praxis Aerospace Pty Ltd | 58 613 054 185 | QLD | 4055 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Priority Management Australia Pty Ltd | 32 168 300 089 | NSW | 2549 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
PRISM DEFENCE PTY LTD | 65 109 062 928 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Procurement and Contracting Group Pty Ltd | 66 617 569 258 | SA | 5065 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Procurement Co Pty Ltd | 14 167 025 452 | QLD | 4171 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Procurement Professionals Pty Ltd | 20 076 432 212 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Programmed Electrical Technologies | 66 089 479 676 | VIC | 3003 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
PROGRESSIVE CYBER SOLUTIONS PTY LTD | 67 607 231 514 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Project Management People Pty Ltd | 37 618 912 422 | WA | 6000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Project Outcomes Pty Ltd | 86 086 686 811 | ACT | 2617 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Project Services And Advisory Group | 40 844 780 822 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Projects Assured Pty Ltd | 95 820 883 147 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Prominence Pty Ltd | 18 105 997 715 | QLD | 4018 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Providence Consulting Group Pty Ltd | 49 117 321 552 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Proxenus Services Pty Ltd (formerly Proxenus Pty Ltd) | 74 668 368 018 | VIC | 3238 | 20-Dec-2023 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Proximity Advisory Services Pty Ltd | 92 147 937 844 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Publicis Sapient Australia Pty Ltd | 80 082 145 891 | NSW | 2009 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Pudman Training Group Pty Ltd | 63 147 230 055 | NSW | 2586 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
QED Group Pty Ltd | 27 124 875 966 | NSW | 2619 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
QinetiQ Pty Ltd | 68 125 805 647 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Quartek Pty Ltd | 54 602 268 655 | VIC | 3101 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Qube Ports Pty Ltd | 46 123 021 492 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Queensland University of Technology | 83 791 724 622 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
R and B Practical Consultants PTY LTD | 18 605 721 097 | VIC | 3690 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
RANDSTAD DIGITAL PTY LTD | 43 085 406 300 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Randstad Pty Limited | 28 080 275 378 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
REALM Solutions SA Pty Ltd | 45 150 369 172 | SA | 5108 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
RedBay Consulting Pty Ltd | 92 134 369 949 | QLD | 4211 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Relegen Pty Ltd | 75 092 239 220 | NSW | 2102 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
REQUAL Management Solutions Pty Ltd | 66 623 654 713 | NSW | 2161 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
RGB Assurance Pty Ltd | 84 145 897 418 | QLD | 4027 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Rheinmetall Defence Australia Pty Ltd | 62 137 668 092 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Risk Decisions Pty Ltd | 49 117 079 437 | NSW | 2061 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Rob Dobson & Associates Pty Ltd | 14 082 197 840 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Robinson Ryan Pty Ltd | 62 126 118 269 | NSW | 2010 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Rodney Scott Davidson | 26 113 742 113 | SA | 5118 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Rohde & Schwarz (Australia) Pty Ltd | 78 002 328 449 | NSW | 2113 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
RPS AAP Consulting Pty Ltd | 97 117 883 173 | QLD | 4006 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
RSM Australia Pty Ltd | 65 319 382 479 | WA | 6844 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
RUBICON ASSOCIATES PTY LTD | 40 608 172 256 | VIC | 3161 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
S1T2 Pty Ltd | 60 119 418 772 | NSW | 2010 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Saab Australia Pty Ltd | 88 008 643 212 | SA | 5095 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SAI Global Pty Limited | 67 050 611 642 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Sando Australia Pty Ltd | 47 001 104 703 | NSW | 2754 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SAVVI AU PTY LTD | 57 600 731 208 | VIC | 3066 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Scope HSEQ Pty Ltd | 47 169 121 939 | WA | 6005 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Scyne Advisory Pty Ltd (formerly PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd)) | 20 607 773 295 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SECORA APII Pty Ltd | 68 650 481 986 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Secure Intelligence Pty Ltd | 45 627 799 928 | ACT | 2615 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Semaphore Alliance Pty Ltd | 87 162 736 441 | ACT | 2602 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SENSE Corporation Pty Ltd | 86 729 917 461 | ACT | 2611 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Sentify Pty Ltd (Formerly IntegrationQA Pty Ltd) | 15 161 854 422 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Serenidad Consulting Pty Ltd | 75 140 517 255 | QLD | 4216 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
ServeGate Australia Pty Ltd | 56 609 386 156 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Sherwood Marine Design Pty Ltd | 88 159 523 618 | WA | 6160 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Shoal Group Pty Ltd | 49 604 474 204 | ACT | 2912 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Sigma Bravo Pty Ltd | 77 090 543 963 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Silentium Defence Pty Ltd | 24 616 397 383 | SA | 5096 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Simbiant Pty Ltd | 28 128 367 082 | SA | 5045 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Simpel Group Pty Ltd | 52 610 095 228 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Simulation Solutions Australia Pty Ltd | 13 140 403 523 | VIC | 3124 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Simulinc Pty Ltd | 53 120 510 081 | NSW | 2448 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SiNAB Pty. Ltd. (formerly Quadrant Global Services Pty Ltd) | 16 165 262 091 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SJA Construction Services Pty Ltd | 34 090 890 850 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SME Gateway Pty Ltd | 51 106 981 560 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SMEC Australia Pty Ltd | 47 065 475 149 | VIC | 3004 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SOAMESINC PTY LTD | 78 164 245 425 | NSW | 2622 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Sofraco Engineering Systems Pty Ltd | 29 003 569 560 | NSW | 2015 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
South Metropolitan TAFE | 15 965 263 323 | WA | 6160 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Sparke Helmore Lawyers | 78 848 387 938 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SPICAE Pty Ltd | 45 085 965 359 | VIC | 3111 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SPIRAL SYSTEMS PTY LTD | 64 142 176 976 | VIC | 3167 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Stantec Australia Pty Limited | 17 007 820 322 | VIC | 3006 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
State of Flux | 16 162 706 541 | NSW | 2010 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
STATE OF MATTER CONSULTING PTY LTD | 26 609 344 210 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Stennett Consulting - Spark eLearning | 42 621 902 159 | ACT | 2914 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Stockwell Bretton Group Pty Ltd | 54 128 797 320 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Strategic Executive Solutions Pty Ltd | 49 088 226 822 | VIC | 3006 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Strategic Reform Pty Ltd | 34 146 766 707 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Stratemere Management Pty Ltd | 24 158 111 436 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Swordfish Computing Pty Ltd | 22 659 045 057 | SA | 5000 | 30-Sep-2024 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SYFA SOLUTIONS PTY LTD | 50 114 131 387 | NSW | 2582 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Symred Pty Ltd | 69 078 996 611 | QLD | 4004 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Synergy 360 | 75 618 325 385 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Synergy Group Australia Ltd | 65 119 369 827 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
SYPAQ Systems Pty Ltd | 90 058 352 122 | VIC | 3004 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
System Design Group Pty Ltd | 49 159 497 177 | VIC | 3931 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Systematiq Pty Ltd | 53 139 277 964 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Systra ANZ Pty Ltd | 65 609 901 788 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Talent International (ACT) Pty Ltd | 95 121 819 305 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Tanner James Management Consultants Pty Ltd | 91 063 977 284 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Taylors Development Strategists Pty Ltd | 80 128 948 523 | VIC | 3168 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Team HR (Australia) Pty Ltd | 47 085 242 762 | ACT | 2607 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Tech Mahindra Limited | 15 092 511 558 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Technical and Further Education Commission | 89 755 348 137 | NSW | 2007 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Technology People and Governance Solutions Pty Ltd | 47 125 859 029 | ACT | 2902 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Tectonica Australia Proprietary Limited | 88 099 869 208 | VIC | 3003 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Teekay Shipping (Australia) Pty Ltd | 35 079 641 580 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Terra Schwartz Pty Ltd | 74 616 885 217 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Terrace Services Pty Ltd | 44 054 453 897 | ACT | 2603 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Tescom Australasia Pty Ltd | 35 094 755 807 | VIC | 3004 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Tetra Tech Coffey Pty Ltd (Formerly Coffey Services Australia Pty Ltd) | 55 139 460 521 | VIC | 3006 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Thales Australia Limited | 66 008 642 751 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
The Architecture Practice Pty Ltd | 97 169 445 354 | ACT | 2913 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
The Design Technology Company Pty Ltd | 48 600 413 205 | VIC | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
The Hackett Group Australia Pty Ltd | 45 132 863 079 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
The Institution of Engineers Australia trading as Engineers Australia | 63 020 415 510 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
The Logistics Alliance | 51 619 334 548 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
The Trusted Negotiator | 80 601 034 235 | VIC | 3186 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
The University of Adelaide | 61 249 878 937 | SA | 5005 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
The University of Melbourne | 84 002 705 224 | VIC | 3010 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Thinkstream Pty Ltd | 65 718 669 825 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Towers Group Pty Ltd | 62 162 914 598 | VIC | 3205 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Tracey Brunstrom and Hammond PTY LTD | 73 008 444 700 | NSW | 2060 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
TradeAid Pty Ltd trading as Qp3 Consulting | 71 053 273 395 | ACT | 2607 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Training Systems Services Pty Ltd | 34 096 108 486 | ACT | 2607 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
TSA Riley (ACT) Pty Ltd (formerly TSA Management (ACT) Pty Limited) | 79 097 795 125 | ACT | 2601 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
TSA Riley Pty Ltd (formerly TSA Management Pty Ltd) | 71 099 000 272 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Turner & Townsend Pty Ltd | 84 115 688 830 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
UNE Partnerships Pty Ltd | 74 003 099 125 | NSW | 2350 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Unisys Australia Pty Ltd | 31 105 642 902 | NSW | 2138 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
University of Technology Sydney | 77 257 686 961 | NSW | 2007 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
VCORP Consulting Pty Ltd | 69 079 363 956 | SA | 5045 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Veerpoint Pty Ltd | 88 154 144 386 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Velconsult International Pty Ltd | 43 149 108 814 | NSW | 2073 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Veris Australia Pty Ltd | 53 615 735 727 | TAS | 7310 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Veritec Pty Ltd | 21 166 493 394 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Vescient Pty Ltd | 98 610 442 978 | WA | 6000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Viden Consulting Group Pty Ltd | 36 622 402 680 | ACT | 2612 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Vipac Engineers & Scientists Limited | 33 005 453 627 | VIC | 3207 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
VIZIONX Pty Limited | 52 613 291 062 | NSW | 2203 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Waterline Projects Pty Ltd | 14 151 119 087 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
we-do-IT Pty Ltd | 26 071 972 891 | VIC | 3000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
WGASA Pty Ltd | 97 617 437 724 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Whizdom Pty Ltd | 52 119 884 945 | ACT | 2617 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
WIBIH Consulting Services | 86 823 996 838 | NSW | 2040 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
WILDE AND WOOLLARD CONSULTANTS PTY LTD | 81 058 229 404 | ACT | 2604 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Wilson Hammond Group PTY LTD | 84 152 585 950 | QLD | 4064 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Wisely Asset Management | 70 113 466 041 | VIC | 4740 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Wodonga Institute of TAFE | 68 437 423 269 | VIC | 3690 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
WorkingMouse Pty Ltd | 72 118 569 136 | QLD | 4075 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
WSP OPUS AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED (formerly Opus International Consultants (Australia) Pty Ltd) | 79 086 342 065 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
WT Consultancy Pty Ltd | 51 152 712 902 | NSW | 2000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
X 14 Services Pty Ltd | 12 627 797 291 | ACT | 2609 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
XKG Pty Ltd (formerly Kul Technologies Pty Ltd) | 29 600 053 549 | VIC | 3030 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
YTEK Pty Ltd | 49 063 384 921 | VIC | 3124 | 20-Apr-2018 | 20-Apr-2025 |
Supplier Name | ABN | State | Postcode | Deed Start Date | Deed End Date |
2pencils Pty Ltd | 25 096 990 126 | VIC | 3149 | 20-Apr-2018 | 02-Nov-2023 |
Atos (Australia) Pty Ltd | 94 143 410 655 | VIC | 3153 | 20-Apr-2018 | 11-Sep-2023 |
Brahms & Carter | 99 334 683 133 | QLD | 4000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 02-Jan-2020 |
ICCPM Solutions Pty Ltd | 79 613 394 997 | ACT | 2600 | 20-Apr-2018 | 27-Feb-2024 |
JPG Partners Pty Ltd | 37 114 612 485 | VIC | 7018 | 20-Apr-2018 | 05-Jun-2024 |
Proxenus Pty Ltd | 39 611 730 128 | VIC | 3441 | 20-Apr-2018 | 19-Dec-2023 |
SMS Consulting Group Ltd | 17 006 515 028 | SA | 5000 | 20-Apr-2018 | 07-Dec-2023 |
Swift Systems Pty Ltd | 30 615 861 115 | VIC | 3181 | 20-Apr-2018 | 08-Jul-2024 |
The following agencies may participate in this Panel.
Agency | Authorised |
National Archives of Australia | Yes |
Australian Fisheries Management Authority | Yes |
Attorney-General's Department | Yes |
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission | Yes |
Australian Federal Police | Yes |
Australian Institute of Criminology | Yes |
Australian Law Reform Commission | Yes |
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre | Yes |
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation | Yes |
Federal Court of Australia | Yes |
Australian Financial Security Authority | Yes |
Office of Parliamentary Counsel | Yes |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions | Yes |
Department of Veterans' Affairs | Yes |
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | Yes |
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research | Yes |
Austrade | Yes |
Department of Health and Aged Care | Yes |
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency | Yes |
National Blood Authority | Yes |
Cancer Australia | Yes |
National Health and Medical Research Council | Yes |
Professional Services Review | Yes |
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | Yes |
Australian National Audit Office | Yes |
Australian Public Service Commission | Yes |
Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman | Yes |
Office of National Intelligence | Yes |
Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security | Yes |
Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General | Yes |
Department of the Treasury | Yes |
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission | Yes |
Inspector-General of Taxation | Yes |
National Competition Council | Yes |
Productivity Commission | Yes |
Australian Office of Financial Management | Yes |
Royal Australian Mint | Yes |
Australian Securities and Investments Commission | Yes |
Office of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board | Yes |
Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board | Yes |
Australian Bureau of Statistics | Yes |
Australian Taxation Office | Yes |
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority | Yes |
Department of Home Affairs | Yes |
Department of Parliamentary Services | Yes |
Department of the House of Representatives | Yes |
Department of the Senate | Yes |
Commonwealth Grants Commission | Yes |
National Health Funding Body | Yes |
Australian Skills Quality Authority | Yes |
Australian National Preventive Health Agency | Yes |
National Emergency Management Agency | Yes |
Office of the Special Investigator | Yes |
Department of Social Services | Yes |
Climate Change Authority | Yes |
Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman | Yes |
Sport Integrity Australia | Yes |
Australian Signals Directorate | Yes |
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission | Yes |
Department of Education | Yes |
Safe Work Australia | Yes |
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry | Yes |
Australian Transport Safety Bureau | Yes |
Organ and Tissue Authority | Yes |
Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority | Yes |
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission | Yes |
Digital Transformation Agency | Yes |
Services Australia | Yes |
Fair Work Commission | Yes |
National Indigenous Australians Agency | Yes |
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency | Yes |
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | Yes |
Clean Energy Regulator | Yes |
Australian Communications and Media Authority | Yes |
Department of Finance | Yes |
Australian Electoral Commission | Yes |
Future Fund Management Agency | Yes |
National Capital Authority | Yes |
Seacare | Yes |
Bureau of Meteorology | Yes |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority | Yes |
Workplace Gender Equality Agency | Yes |
IP Australia | Yes |
Australian Research Council | Yes |
Australian Institute of Family Studies | Yes |
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner | Yes |
Geoscience Australia | Yes |
Parliamentary Budget Office | Yes |
Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency | Yes |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts | Yes |
Australian Submarine Agency | Yes |
Department of Industry, Science and Resources | Yes |