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Exposure Draft - Request for Tender for the new specialist disability employment program

Contact Details

DES Consultation


Department of Social Services
93141805 - Employment services
30-Aug-2024 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Information

APP Reference:


As part of the 2024-25 Budget, the Australian Government (the Government) announced several Disability Employment Reforms, including implementing a new specialist disability employment program (new program) commencing from 1 July 2025.

The new program will focus on assisting people with disability, injury or health condition to prepare for, find and maintain sustainable employment in the open employment market. The new program will put Participants at the centre of the service and Employers as key partners.

Information on the new program is available on department’s website (

This Exposure Draft is produced for the information of stakeholders and potential Respondents to allow them the opportunity to provide feedback to the Department of Social Services to inform the final RFT for the new program. Potential Respondents and stakeholders should not submit responses to the Exposure Draft at this time.

The feedback process is open to all stakeholders. Responses will not advantage or disadvantage potential Respondents and stakeholders in any future open procurement for the new program. Any potential Respondent and stakeholders will not be evaluated based on any response to this consultation.

The department has developed a Companion Guide to advise stakeholders of the specific policy areas of which feedback is specifically requested. However, feedback is welcome on the entire Exposure Draft. 

Additional information, including accessible versions of the Companion Guide, will be available shortly. 

The department will hold public briefings regarding this Exposure Draft. Details of the briefings will be available on department’s website (


N/A for this Exposure Draft 


Services will start on 1 July 2025 for an initial period of three years to 30 June 2028, with an option of up to a three year extension.


Contact Details

DES Consultation
