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Strategic Fleet Pilot Program SOP

Contact Details

Andrew Johnson


Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
25110000 - Marine transport
29-Nov-2024 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Tender

All Agencies


The Department of Infrastructure Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts is seeking to establish a Standing Offer Panel to strengthen Australia’s sovereign maritime capability through the establishment of a Strategic Fleet Pilot Program and to enter into a Deed of Standing Offer with one or more successful Tenderers to provide suitable commercial cargo vessels.  The Panel will operate for an initial period of five years, with two options to extend for two years each.

The Department is seeking innovative, value for money solutions from Tenderers that deliver the objectives set out in the Draft Deed of Standing Offer, including to:

a)    establish a Strategic Fleet of Australian flagged and crewed vessels;

b)   provide the Commonwealth with certainty of access to the Strategic Fleet for requisition to move cargo in times of need, crisis or national emergency; and

c)    support a training and workforce environment that encourages and grows Australia’s sovereign maritime skills.




Conditions for Participation are contained in the Request for Tender, Part B.


Five years, with two options to extend for two years each.

Electronic lodgement only should be made by accessing the AusTender system at

Contact Details

Andrew Johnson
