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Closed ATM View - AIMSRFQ753

Charter Vessel For Research – Great Barrier Reef 2024

Contact Details

Sherry Cullen

07 4753 4444


Australian Institute of Marine Science
78111700 - Passenger marine transportation
10-Jul-2024 4:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Quote



To service our current scheduled fieldwork requirements on the East Coast the Australian Institue of Marine Science require capability for 31 – 82 days on board commercial vessels to complete a scope of works with an area of operation from Lady Elliot Island to North of Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) between September 1 to December 15 2024. 

This Request for Quote (RFQ) is for the provision of services for delivering the scope of work described in this RFQ;

  • 31 – 82 days Scientific fieldwork within dates ranges 1 of September to 15th of December 2024 on board a suitable commercial vessel.
  • Core requirements of our selected maritime operator are to operate safely and support scientific dive operations and assist in the survey of coral reefs within the Great Barrier Marine Park (GBRMP) on board a vessel/s with;
    • Range >700nm,
    • Cruising speed of >9 knots
    • Continuous operations in remote locations across the GBR for >14 consecutive days,
    • Accommodate and victual up to 15 scientific personnel, supporting scientific diving operations and organism collections.
  • The chosen operator will offer capability to complete our Scope of Work and oversee the safe operations of our scientific personnel while at sea undertaking small vessel, scientific diving operations and support coral collection activities. (Note all diving operations conducted under AS2299.1 with dedicated staff within AIMS to oversee and approve all dive plans and supervise diving operations.)

Please refer to RFQ documentation for conditions or participation. 


September 1 to December 15 2024.

Electronic lodgment via AusTender.

Contact Details

Sherry Cullen

: 07 4753 4444
