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Closed ATM View - HSRA-S2N/3-01

Human Resources and Performance Development

Contact Details

Scott White


High Speed Rail Authority
80101506 - Organisational structure consultation
19-Aug-2024 11:00 am (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Canberra, Sydney
Request for Tender



The High Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) is seeking a suitably qualified and resourced Supplier to provide Human Resource (HR) specialist and leadership development services.

The successful Supplier will be required to work with the CEO and General Manager Corporate Services on a range of strategic initiatives to build and strengthen HSRA’s organisational capability by;

(a) Helping to establish and promote a high performance culture throughout all levels of the Authority;

(b) Setting the foundations of a positive, vibrant and diverse and inclusive culture through a range of employee engagement and cultural strategies;

(c) Creating the core People, Culture and Performance Frameworks for attracting and retaining talent.

The scope of work is broken into three discrete packages. Tenders may be submitted for one, two, or all three packages. Tenderers are to indicate which Packages they are responding to in their Tender.


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Contact Details

Scott White
