Closed ATM View - AAT/Tender/2020/1
Records Management Solution
Canberra, Sydney
The purpose of this ATM is to find innovative solutions for the Customers' records management problems as outlined in this document.
This ATM will be different from the traditional Government Open Tender process, as it will be conducted in a manner informed by an Agile approach using a Proof of Concept (POC) format. This is an Open Tender, and responses will be short-listed according to merit against the evaluation criteria.
Short-listed Respondents will be invited to participate in an online POC, of no more than four days duration. During the POC, confidentiality of the Respondents’ bids will be maintained. Respondents will be working through the scenarios outlined by the attached User Stories. It is envisaged that a successful Respondent/s will be chosen using the evaluation criteria.
The Customers are not required to select the same records management solution, and will enter a Contract with any successful Respondent separately and in their own right.
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Bids must be in English.
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Prices must be in Australian Dollars (AUD).
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Respondents may respond to one, or all, of the Customer’s problems in its response but must indicate clearly which problems they are addressing.
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Joint responses are welcome, however a prime tenderer must be appointed.
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Respondents must be also willing to engage in a live online proof of concept workshop.
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Respondents must provide the online workshop environment.