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Current ATM View - RFT38743.

ADF Equipment Cleaning Contract

Contact Details

Contract Officer


Department of Defence - DSRG
76100000 - Decontamination services
30-Sep-2024 4:30 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
ACT, NSW, VIC, SA, WA, QLD, NT, TAS, Overseas

APP Reference:


**Pre-Release Notice***


The Commonwealth is planning a single-stage open market Request for Tender (RFT) for the Provision of Equipment Cleaning Services to the Australian Defence Force (ADF). The ADF has a requirement to comply with all biosecurity standards mandated by the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF). To achieve this the ADF will establish an equipment cleaning contract which enables an Initial Clean (as required) performed overseas and a Main Clean, performed at designated quarantine locations, at Australian Points of Entry.


It is anticipated that the relevant RFT documentation for the Equipment Cleaning Contract will be released through AusTender in September 2024. The RFT will include, but not be limited to, the Draft Contract (including Statement of Work) and Conditions of Tender (including data pack). It is likely that post the release of the RFT, Defence will conduct an industry brief.


Prospective Tenderers are encouraged to review their notifications settings in AusTender to ensure notification of further updates in relation to the RFT.




Not applicable - this is only a notification for an upcoming RFT.




No responses are required to this notice.

Instructions will be provided in the request for tender release regarding lodgement.

Contact Details

Contract Officer
