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Closed ATM View - EST08188

HMAS Albatross Training Facilities Refurbishment, NSW

Contact Details

Alex McGhee

(02) 9220 8500


Department of Defence - DSRG
72100000 - Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services
8-Jul-2024 12:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Request for Tender

APP Reference:


The scope of works of this project involves the midlife refurbishment two buildings at HMAS Albatross. The works include the replacement of an existing substation and upgrade of the Low Voltage (LV) side of another substation, end of life replacement of building services systems, modification of fire safety systems, implementation of a security system, and pool upgrades. 


The tender documents (including Contract) are attached on AusTender (under ‘Go to ATM documents’).

The scopes of works and associated documents have not been attached. To obtain the full scope of works documentation, tenderers are to submit a signed Confidentiality Agreement as follows:

1. Click on Go to ATM Documents

2. Download the tender documents

3. Go to Confidentiality Agreement

4. Print and sign the Confidentiality Agreement

5. Return the signed copy by email, as a scanned PDF file, to the Contact Officer / PDS Contractor noted below

Tenderers are to note that without the Confidentiality Agreement being returned to the Contact Officer / PDS Contractor, the complete Scope of Works cannot be released.

Any questions relating to this tender are to be forwarded via email to the Contact Officer / PDS Contractor nominated below. 

The cut-off date for questions pertaining to this tender is seven (7) days before the tender close date. 

Industry Briefing: Refer to Part 2, Tender Particulars of the Tender Conditions.


The Tenderer must at the time of submitting its Tender satisfy each condition for participation as follows:

- The Tenderer must not be precluded from tendering for Australian Government funded work or specifically excluded from participating in this Tender process.

- The Tenderer must complete and return the signed Confidentiality Agreement.

- The Tenderer must complete and sign the Tender Form and Statutory Declaration

- The Tenderer must complete and lodge Tender Schedule J – Indigenous Procurement Policy.         


Within 43 Weeks from Award Date.

Tender responses are to be submitted electronically via the AusTender website using the 'Lodgement Page' link on this tender notification.

Contact Details

Alex McGhee

: (02) 9220 8500
