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Current ATM View - PD-19/1589/68-OT

RBA Request for Proposal - Travel Risk Management Services

Contact Details

Cindy Zhang

02 9551 6103


Reserve Bank of Australia
90120000 - Travel facilitation
10-Dec-2024 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
ACT, NSW, VIC, SA, WA, QLD, NT, TAS, Overseas
Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Darwin, Hobart
Request for Proposal

APP Reference:


The Bank requires a partner to provide support and assistance to travellers and expats regarding international travel health, safety, and security risks. This service must complement the existing Bank safety protocols, particularly when a crisis occurs. Additionally, it is able to be linked to our travel provider CTM and our Travel Insurance.


1. The respondent exists as a legal entity at closing time.

2. Tender response received prior to the closing time and lodged electronically via AusTender.

3. Tender response includes a completed and signed Response Deed


4. Tender response to confirm full compliance with the following requirements regarding VCA:


·       The Respondent has acquired certification in either ISO/IEC 27001, SOC2 Type 2, or IRAP and will provide evidence as part of this RFP response.

·       The Respondent will provide responses and necessary evidence to the Vendor Control Assessment (VCA) questionnaire attached in Section 15 of RFP Part 3; and participate in the Vendor Control Assessment (VCA) conducted by the Bank when required during evaluation period.

5. The Respondent is not subject to a judicial decision against them relating to employee entitlements (not including decisions under appeal, and have not paid the claim).

6. Where the Respondent is a Relevant Employer, the Respondent is compliant with its obligations under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth) (the WGE Act).

7. The Respondent is not precluded from tendering for Australian Government funded work at closing time.


8. The Respondent must not be an entity listed under terrorist legislation or subject to sanctions.


The successful Respondent will culminate in a Master IT Services Agreement with the Bank for an initial five (5) year duration, with the potential for three additional one-year extensions (1+1+1), subject to performance review and the Bank’s ongoing requirement for the services.



Contact Details

Cindy Zhang

: 02 9551 6103
