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Current ATM View - EBO - WP3


Contact Details

Oliver Phillips

(04) 8751 3101


Department of Defence - DSRG
72100000 - Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services
20-Sep-2024 12:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Expression of Interest



The purpose of the Eastern Border Outpost is to enhance the Solomon Islands Government’s capability and capacity for multi-agency border security operations within Lata, Temotu Province, and provide a key Point of Entry function in Temotu Province.  


The Project is anticipated to be the complete Design and Construct of the following works: 


• Operations building to enable Point of Entry activities;


• Boat Maintenance and storage facility; and 


• Fuel storage and refueling point. 


However, the Respondent may be required to use 30% designs issued by the Commonwealth as a starting point for the Design.  


Please provide your response to the Contact Officer via email


Respondents may submit questions in relation to the matters set out in Attachment 1 only to the Contact Officer via email by no later than 72 hours prior to the closing date and time specified.


The Commonwealth requests the Respondent provide its response in the format set out in Attachment 1. Please limit your response to not more than more than ten (10) pages in total in not less than 10-point type set. Please do not provide any additional material.


a)participation in this Market Sounding is at the sole risk, cost and expense of Respondents. The Commonwealth will not be liable upon any claim by the Respondent, and the Respondent releases the Commonwealth from any claim, arising out of or in connection with this Market Sounding;


b) this Market Sounding is not a formal approach to market whether by invitation to register interest, tender or other process by which offers in respect of a Project can be made. Any response to this Market Sounding submitted by a Respondent will not be evaluated by the Commonwealth and will not be considered or evaluated as part of any formal approach to market;


c) in undertaking this Market Sounding the Commonwealth makes no representation or undertaking that it will proceed to procure or deliver the Project or proceed with a formal approach to market, either at all or on a particular basis, and any formal approach to market may differ from the background and delivery methodology set out in this document;


d) the information received by the Commonwealth from Respondents may be used by the Commonwealth (in its absolute discretion) for any purpose, including to inform the procurement planning and delivery approach for the Project;


e) the Project remains subject to various Government approvals;


f) the Commonwealth does not warrant or guarantee the relevance, completeness, accuracy or adequacy of any information provided in connection with this Market Sounding (including any information set out in this document) and does not owe a duty of care to Respondents with respect to such information. Information set out in this document is subject to change; and


g) the Commonwealth does not intend to create any contract or other relationship under which the Commonwealth is subject to a legal obligation, whether by way of process contract or otherwise, in respect of the Market Sounding and there is in fact no such contract or other relationship in existence.


Design: Q2 2025 – Q1 2026. Construction: Q2 2026 – Q1 2027 

Estimated Value (AUD):
From $8,000,000.00 to $10,000,000.00

Contact Details

Oliver Phillips

: (04) 8751 3101
