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Request for Tender for provision of the JobAccess Services

Contact Details

JobAccess RFT70018457


Department of Social Services
80101505 - Corporate objectives or policy development
12-Aug-2024 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Tender

APP Reference:


The Australian Department of Social Services invites suitably qualified organisations to tender for the provision of the JobAccess Services.

JobAccess is the national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers, and service providers.

The JobAccess Services has three objectives:

• manage a national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers and disability employment service providers via a telephone advice line;

• administer funding through the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) to cover the costs of making workplace changes for people with disability to perform a particular job; and

• facilitate services for the National Disability Recruitment Coordinator (NDRC), supporting employers to access the skills and talents of people with disability.

The JobAccess Services aims to drive accessible and inclusive disability employment in Australia, and incorporates several key services:

• Advice and information service for jobseekers, employers, and service providers

• Administration and management of the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF)

• Employer engagement service assisting employers to increase their disability confidence to enable them to employ more people with disability.

The Department invites interested parties (Tenderers) to submit Tenders for the provision of the following JobAccess Services, as described in the Statement of Requirement, subject to the terms and conditions set out or referred to in this Request for Tender (RFT):

• content management of the JobAccess Services website (Website). ( 

• the operation of an email, online and telephony-based information and advisory service (the Advice Service) relevant to employing people with disability 

• the administration of the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) on behalf of the Department;

• promoting the employment of people with disability, including through increasing knowledge and awareness of the JobAccess Services; 

• engagement with Employers by supporting them to increase their disability confidence to employ more people with disability; 

• undertaking Employer and industry seminars and workshops to engage with Employers; and 

• improving Employers' awareness of support available through Australian Government schemes and other incentives for employing people with disability.  



1. The Tenderer exists as a legal entity at the Closing Time.

2. The Tenderer and any subcontractors proposed in its tender must not be insolvent, bankrupt, in liquidation, or under administration or receivership as at the Closing Time.

3. The Tenderer must submit the Tender as a single legal entity (clause 5) which would enter into any resultant Contract with the Department.

(a) The Tenderer either:

(i) holds all Valid and Satisfactory Statements of Tax Record required for their entity type by the Closing Time; or

(ii) has receipt(s) demonstrating that all required Statements of Tax Record as applicable to the Tenderer have been requested from the Australian Taxation Office by the Closing Time, and holds those Valid and Satisfactory Statements of Tax Record no later than 4 Business Days after the Closing Time; and

(b) the Tenderer holds a Valid and Satisfactory Statement of Tax Record for any first tier Subcontractor that it proposes, as part of its Tender, to engage to deliver the Services, where the estimated value of the Services to be undertaken by that Subcontractor is over $4 million (GST inclusive).



The Service is expected to start 1 January 2025 until 31 December 2026. There may be an extended service period for an additional 2 years until 31 December 2028.

Tenders must be lodged and completed electronically via AusTender.

Contact Details

JobAccess RFT70018457
