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Closed ATM View - GA2023/3034

Digital Data Storage, Data Migration and PoC

Contact Details

Geoscience Australia Tenders Team


Geoscience Australia
81112000 - Data services
28-Jan-2024 6:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Information

If Geoscience proceeds to RFT stage, tenderer's will be invited based on their capability and capacity to deliver the shortlisted solution.


Geoscience Australia’s Repository manages nationally significant collections of data and physical samples which are important for industry, government, academic and community stakeholders. These data and sample collections were primarily acquired by petroleum exploration and development titleholders and submitted to the government under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGSA) and predecessor legislation and largely comprise data from drilling and geophysical survey activities. By making these data and sample collections accessible, the Repository is helping to advance the understanding of national geology and energy resource potential and to inform decision-making through reuse of and open access to data.

Currently, the Repository's digital data holdings exceed six petabytes with a forecasted growth at two petabytes per year based on previous trends. The Repository has delivered around 350 terabytes of data on average per year over the past five years through both the online National Offshore Petroleum Information Management System (NOPIMS) and Repository Client Services.


The Repository Data Management and Delivery (RDMD) project aims to improve the data handling and storage infrastructure within the Repository.  Digital geoscientific datasets span various geoscience applications and research areas increasing the need to ensure maximum discovery, access, and usability of the collections. This initiative aligns with Geoscience Australia's Strategy 2028, governmental open data policies, and the draft Data and Digital Government Strategy, promoting enhanced usability and accessibility of public data.


In addition to being able to provide a proposed solution for either digital data storage or data migration, tenderer's personnel will be required to hold, obtain and maintain a minimum AGSVA baseline security clearance.


Not applicable

AusTender at, in accordance with instructions in RFI documentation.

Contact Details

Geoscience Australia Tenders Team
