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Request for Tender for Bali Lifetime Rehabilitation Assistance Package

Contact Details

Contact Officer – Bali LAP RFT 70018834


Department of Social Services
85122100 - Rehabilitation services
4-Sep-2024 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Tender

APP Reference:


The Australian Government Department of Social Services invites suitably qualified organisations to tender for the provision of Bali Lifetime Rehabilitation Assistance Package (Bali LAP) services.

Bali LAP provides lifetime assistance for out-of-pocket rehabilitation care to eligible people injured in the 12 October 2002 and 1 October 2005 Bali bombings (the Bali Bombings). 

The objective of Bali LAP is to provide a point of contact for Eligible Customers and the most appropriate care for each individual Active Customer. This can include assistance in supporting Active Customers to be more independent at home and in the community, including work and education, throughout their lifetimes. Financial support is provided for the purchase of goods and services to address an identified need that is the result of injuries sustained in the Bali Bombings, if it is agreed as a reasonable request with consideration of the injury.

Bali LAP services include managing a shared mailbox specifically for enquiries relating to Bali LAP, responding to enquiries from individuals about the Bali LAP, liaising with the Department on eligibility for individuals, conducting or arranging an annual assessment of needs related to injuries from the Bali Bombings, developing an Individual Rehabilitation Plan, liaising with the Department in regard to the Individual Rehabilitation Plan, managing and monitoring the Individual Rehabilitation Plan, reimbursing Active Customers for costs of services approved in the Individual Rehabilitation Plan, and managing any complaints.


The Tenderer exists as a legal entity at the Closing Time.

The Tenderer and any subcontractors proposed in its tender must not be insolvent, bankrupt, in liquidation, or under administration or receivership as at the Closing Time.

The Tenderer must submit the Tender as a single legal entity which would enter into any resultant Contract with the Department.


The Service is expected to start on 1 January 2025 and be provided for an initial 5 year period. There will be a transition in period from November 2024. An extension period of up to 5 years may be required.

Tenders must be lodged and completed electronically via AusTender.

Contact Details

Contact Officer – Bali LAP RFT 70018834
