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Defence Capability Support Services (DCSP) Industry Consultation

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Department of Defence - CASG
80161500 - Management support services
23-Aug-2024 4:30 pm (ACT Local Time)
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ACT, NSW, VIC, SA, WA, QLD, NT, TAS, Overseas
Industry Briefing

APP Reference:
All Agencies


This Industry consultation provides information about the proposed Defence Capability Support Panel (DCSP) to be established by the Department of Defence, which in conjunction with the Department of Finance People Panel Professional Contractor Services (Phase 3), replaces the current Defence Support Services (DSS) Panel.

Defence is seeking Industry feedback about the proposed DCSP to ensure it meets Defence’s strategic needs by promoting active participation by Industry. The Industry Survey Questionnaire  includes discussion topics that Defence will consider in setting up the DCSP. 


By participating in this industry consultation process and/or submitting feedback, participants acknowledge and agree to the following conditions:

(a)         all information contained in the Industry consultation documents, or otherwise provided by the Department of Defence (Defence) may not be accurate and may change;

(b)         the Industry consultation documents are designed to reflect and summarise information concerning Defence’s requirements only and are not comprehensive descriptions;

(c)         participants should seek their own professional advice as appropriate;

(d)         all intellectual property rights in respect of the Industry consultation documents and any other information provided by Defence are vested in the Commonwealth of Australia (unless Defence indicates otherwise to participants);

(e)         all feedback and other information submitted by a participant to Defence becomes the property of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Defence may use, copy, disclose and publish such information for the purposes of the Commonwealth, including for developing or informing the development of the Defence Capability Support panel. However, intellectual property rights in respect of the information contained in any information submitted to Defence will not pass to the Commonwealth simply by virtue of submission of that information;

(f)           the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) gives members of the public rights of access to certain documents in the possession of the Commonwealth, its agencies and entities. Participants should obtain, and will be deemed to have obtained, their own advice on the impact of the FOI Act and all other relevant legislation on their participation in this industry consultation process. Participants should take into account the operation of the FOI Act and other legislation before providing confidential or sensitive information to Defence as part of this industry consultation process.

(g)         in no circumstances will Defence be responsible for any cost or expense incurred by participants providing feedback, or participating in industry consultation, and any such participation is at participants’ sole cost and expense.

(h)         this industry consultation process:

(i)           is solely for the purposes of obtaining feedback on the DCSP Industry Consultation Survey with the aim of informing any eventual approach to market by Defence; and

(ii)          is not a request for tender, and must not be construed, interpreted, or relied upon, whether by expression or implication, as an offer capable of acceptance by any person, or as creating any form of contractual (including a process contract), quasi-contractual, restitutionary or promissory estoppel rights, or rights based upon similar legal or equitable grounds;

(i)           Defence and the Commonwealth (in its other capacities) is not liable to any participant as a consequence of any matter relating or incidental to this Industry consultation process or a participant’s participation in this Industry consultation process;

(j)          Defence reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to:

(i)           amend or delete the Industry consultation documents, or the structure, requirements or processes referred to in these documents;

(ii)          vary the timing referred to in this industry consultation process;

(iii)         cease, suspend or vary this industry consultation process, or any approach to market for the Defence Capability Support Panel; or

(iv)        provide additional information at any time.


Questions related to the Industry consultation should be directed in writing to: 


• Responding to the Industry Questionnaire and providing any feedback is voluntary. 

• Industry may elect to not to provide responses to all questions. 

• Feedback must be returned no later than the specified date.

• Industry should not provide general marketing materials or any other representations with respect to your organisation.

• Defence is not requesting a description of a proposed service offering. 

• Feedback will be treated as confidential.

• Feedback may be provided anonymously.

• Industry personal information will be managed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). 

• Concise appropriate detail (including specific experiences) is required to clearly understand and validate the circumstances in which the feedback is being provided. This will assist Defence to refine the DCSP, identify areas that are delivering improved outcomes for Defence and Industry, and also highlighting areas for improvement.

• Feedback provided will not be evaluated, nor will it be considered in the evaluation of any future procurement process.  

• Should you have technical issues submitting your responses electronically please email your response to





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