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Annual Procurement Plan View - Department of Defence

To follow the progress of Planned Procurements of interest add them to a Watch List by clicking the star icon on the right of the Planned Procurement notice.

IMPORTANT: All Planned Procurements are subject to revision, withdrawal or cancellation. Information about Planned Procurements is provided for planning purposes only and it does not represent a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by the Government to purchase the described property or services.


Strategic Procurement Outlook

The mission of Defence is to defend Australia and its national interests. In fulfilling this mission, Defence serves the Australian Government and is accountable to the Commonwealth Parliament. Procurement of a diverse range of goods and services to support Defence's business in a manner that ensures the proper use of Commonwealth resources is enhanced by strategic planning. Defence complies with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) when considering spending proposals and conducting procurements. The CPRs are applied to Defence's procurements through the Accountable Authority Instructions and supporting departmental guidelines.

Given the vast range of goods and services procured annually in support of Defence's mission, it is vital to provide industry with advance notification of major and strategic procurement opportunities planned. The Defence Annual Procurement Plan (APP) articulates the potential procurement opportunities. The scope, scale, schedule, risk profile and complexity of individual planned procurements listed in the Defence APP differ across various procurement categories such as Logistics, ICT, Defence estate management, construction services and capability acquisition and sustainment.


Planned procurements with an open approach to market are included in the Defence APP. Potential suppliers should be aware that all planned procurements are subject to revision, withdrawal or cancellation. Information about planned procurements is provided for planning and notification purposes only and does not represent a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by the Government to purchase the described property or services. Defence will endeavour to amend and update relevant details of the APP on a quarterly basis or as required.

Contact Details

Denice Hoyne


Email Address:

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Search Results

Showing 256-259 of 259 records

EST05853 Spectacle Island Wharf Works

You must be a logged in AusTender registered user to watch a planned procurement
Agency Reference:
72100000 - Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services
Estimated Date of Approach to Market:
Quarter 4 2024/2025

Original: Quarter 4 2021/2022

Multi Agency Access:
Change Comments:
Amended estimated ATM date
Augility Procurement, 00 0000 0000,
Last Updated: 12-Apr-2024 2:41 pm (ACT Local Time)

Facilities to support Air Mission Training System (AMTS)

You must be a logged in AusTender registered user to watch a planned procurement
Agency Reference:
72100000 - Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services
Estimated Date of Approach to Market:
Quarter 4 2024/2025
Multi Agency Access:
As Published
Arnel Basas, 02 8340 5623,
Last Updated: 18-Jul-2024 12:56 pm (ACT Local Time)

GWEO Storage Tranche 1

You must be a logged in AusTender registered user to watch a planned procurement
Agency Reference:
72100000 - Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services
Estimated Date of Approach to Market:
Quarter 4 2024/2025
Multi Agency Access:
As Published
Scott Davis, 0733202827,
Last Updated: 18-Jul-2024 12:02 pm (ACT Local Time)

Naval Communications Station Harold E Holt

You must be a logged in AusTender registered user to watch a planned procurement
Agency Reference:
72100000 - Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services
Estimated Date of Approach to Market:
Quarter 4 2024/2025
Multi Agency Access:
As Published
Lindley Arthur, 0408 329 489,
Last Updated: 18-Jul-2024 11:44 am (ACT Local Time)