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Current ATM View - Proc-9177144

Minimising the economic impact of key pests: earwigs, millipedes, and slaters.

Wendy Bosci

: 02 6166 4559


Grains Research and Development Corporation
70140000 - Crop production and management and protection
21-Nov-2024 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Tender



<span">Earwigs, millipedes, and slaters are pests increasingly causing significant damage to grain crops in Australia. Changing farming practices, like increased stubble retention and reduced tillage, have contributed to the rising prevalence of these pests, yet effective control options remain limited. Growers often struggle to predict when and where pest outbreaks will occur, and current management practices do not always provide reliable results.

<span">To address these challenges, GRDC is investing to develop targeted, practical solutions for managing these pests in grain crops. The successful tenderer will be expected to conduct innovative research that closes knowledge gaps, deliver practical pest management strategies, and provide tools to help growers make informed decisions about pest control.

<span">Key activities will include conducting trials to better understand pest behaviour and life cycles, developing forecasting tools to predict outbreaks, and creating integrated management strategies that combine chemical and non-chemical control options. Close collaboration with an advisory group of growers and agronomists will ensure that the strategies developed are practical and field-tested.

<span">Educational resources and tools, such as identification guides and decision-support tools, will also be developed to assist growers and advisers in effectively managing pest risks. The ultimate goal is to help Australian grain growers reduce crop losses, improve profitability, and ensure sustainable farming practices by providing reliable and adaptable pest control solutions



For all details and to apply to this RFT please go to GRDC Website:

Applications must be submitted through the GRDC Grains Investment Portal:



The Tenderer must be a single legal entity or recognised firm of partners except where the Tender is submitted by a consortium and the Tender specifies that each member of the proposed consortium will be party to the contract. 2 The Tenderer and any proposed subcontractor must be compliant with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, the Modern Slavery Act 2018 and any other applicable labour laws and standards in the jurisdiction in which they operate.

3 The Tenderer and any subcontractor must not have a judicial decision against it (not including decisions under appeal) relating to employee entitlements and who have not paid the claim.

4 The Tenderer and any subcontractor must not be named on the Consolidated List, being the list of persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions or travel bans under Australian sanction laws, as maintained by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


December 2024 to December 2028 (4 years)


Submit your Tender response electronically directly with GRDC through the Grains Investment Portal only at:

Wendy Bosci

: 02 6166 4559
