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Resistance Management in the Green Peach Aphid: Integrated Surveillance and Strategic Response

Wendy Bosci

: 02 6166 4559

: 0408 636 866


Grains Research and Development Corporation
70140000 - Crop production and management and protection
6-Nov-2024 12:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Darwin, Hobart
Request for Tender



The Green peach aphid (GPA) poses a significant and escalating threat to Australia’s canola and pulse crops, primarily as a vector for Turnip yellows virus (TuYV), which can lead to substantial yield losses. Recent GPA outbreaks in key growing regions, combined with increasing insecticide resistance and the phase-out of older chemicals, highlight the urgent need for updated and sustainable management strategies.

This investment will build on previous research to develop and implement new tools and strategies for GPA resistance management. By integrating advanced diagnostics, predictive models, and sustainable control practices, the project aims to improve decision-making for growers and advisers. The investment will also collaborate with other ongoing research efforts focused on virus transmission and pest management, ensuring that the latest innovations and findings are applied effectively.

To maximise the impact and efficiency of the investment, research activities will be integrated with ongoing R&D investments. This integration will leverage existing data, samples, and resources, ensuring that the investment is both cost-effective and comprehensive. For example:

•      Predictive models for GPA movements will be enhanced by validating data from ongoing surveillance and monitoring activities to ensure their accuracy and utility for growers.

•      National resistance surveillance efforts will use existing sample collections and resources to broaden geographical coverage and enhance understanding of GPA resistance patterns.

•      Field trials will be designed to complement and collaborate with other studies on pest management and alternative treatment strategies, allowing shared resources and greater insights into both chemical and non-chemical control options.

Partnerships with crop protection stakeholders and industry collaborators will strengthen the financial and technical foundation, ensuring rapid adoption of developed solutions. This collaboration will broaden the project’s impact and ensure its relevance to industry needs.

Through a strong extension and communication program, the project will disseminate new research and management strategies to growers and advisers via workshops, field days, and digital platforms. This ensures that the grain industry is equipped to adapt to evolving pest and virus challenges, reducing reliance on traditional chemical controls and enhancing the sustainability of grain production.


For full details and how to apply for this tender please go to the GRDC website:


1 The Tenderer and any subcontractor must not be named on the Consolidated List, being the list of persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions or travel bans under Australian sanction laws, as maintained by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

2 The Tenderer and any subcontractor must not have a judicial decision against it (not including decisions under appeal) relating to employee entitlements and who have not paid the claim.

3 The Tenderer must be a single legal entity or recognised firm of partners

4 The Tenderer and any proposed subcontractor must be compliant with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, Modern Slavery Act 2018 and any other applicable labour laws and standards in the jurisdiction in which they operate.


4 years (approx)


Submit your Tender application response electronically directly with GRDC through the Grains Investment Portal at:

Wendy Bosci

: 02 6166 4559

: 0408 636 866
