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Closed ATM View - DPS07039

Supply of maintenance and engineering consumable products

Contact Details

Janine Pollock

02 6277 5471

02 6277 5168


Department of Parliamentary Services
30000000 - Structures and Building and Construction and Manufacturing Components and Supplies
14-Aug-2007 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Tender


The Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) is putting in place a panel of vendors under a standing offer for the supply of maintenance and engineering consumable products.

The categories of products required by DPS are:

  1. construction materials;
  2. plumbing supplies and hardware;
  3. power and hand tools;
  4. safety and protective items;
  5. steel and metal products; and
  6. heating, ventilation and air conditioning system products.

 The following products are out of scope for the RFT:

  1. uniforms and protective clothing;
  2. electric lamps and associated equipment;
  3. electrical and electronic materials;
  4. industrial and commercial cleaning products; and
  5. bulk paint.
There are no Conditions for Participation for this tender.
The standing offer is expected to be in place in October 2007. The standing offer will be for an initial three years with optional two one-year extensions.
Tender Box
Department of Parliamentary Services
Security Point One
Forecourt Basement Public Car Park
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Contact Details

Janine Pollock

: 02 6277 5471

: 02 6277 5168
