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Closed ATM View - RFT 6-2009

Logistical Support Services For Regional Assistance Mission To The Solomon Islands (RAMSI)

Contact Details

Mark Ellis



RFT 6-2009
Australian Federal Police
81141601 - Logistics
30-Mar-2009 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Request for Tender

The AFP is seeking innovative, cost-effective solutions, with the majority of the services to be performed in the Solomon Islands. Tenderers are invited to respond to single or multiple packages based on their expertise and capability. While the evaluation will explore the best value for money solution to each of the packages, the AFP will consider responses from single contractors which offer all packages where their tender demonstrates greater value for money through efficiencies in the delivery and cost of services and service synergies.

As per RFT


As per RFT

As per RFT

Contact Details

Mark Ellis

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