Closed ATM View - IPAC2008/11476
Provision of an eRecruitment System
IP Australia is seeking tenders for an eRecruitment system to support, facilitate and improve recruitment and selection processes. The product will be capable of managing IP Australia's campaign recruitment (including the Examiner of Patents and Trade Mark Examiner campaigns), job specific recruitment exercises and non-ongoing employment registers. Job specific recruitment exercises may be of an ongoing or non-ongoing nature and incorporate the complete range of Australian Public Service (APS) classifications including broadband positions.
IP Australia is seeking a product that is configurable to meet current and future recruitment needs. The system must have the capability to automate standard workflows and assessment processes and allow authorised IP Australia users to modify and easily manage non-standard workflows and assessment processes as required. The system must also have a capability to report on various aspects and stages of recruitment processes.
AusTender at