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Annual Procurement Plan View - Australian Securities and Investments Commission

To follow the progress of Planned Procurements of interest add them to a Watch List by clicking the star icon on the right of the Planned Procurement notice.

IMPORTANT: All Planned Procurements are subject to revision, withdrawal or cancellation. Information about Planned Procurements is provided for planning purposes only and it does not represent a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by the Government to purchase the described property or services.


Strategic Procurement Outlook

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is an independent Commonwealth Government body and is Australia's integrated corporate, markets, financial services and consumer credit regulator. ASIC operates under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (ASIC Act) and the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act), as well as other relevant legislation.

Our head office is located at Level 5/100 Market St, Sydney NSW 2000 and we have offices in every capital city. Further information about ASIC can be found at

ASIC adheres to the principles of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, through the Accountable Authority Instructions and supporting department guidelines, when considering and undertaking procurement.

This Annual Procurement Plan (APP) aims to draw suppliers’ early attention to potential procurement opportunities with ASIC. ASIC engages with forward planning using a procurement business partnering model and the APP is reviewed ever six months, with specific planned procurements identified below. Please note that planned open tender procurements are published on the APP as they arise.

Contact Details

Procurement Officer

1300 300 630

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Showing 1-1 of 1 record

Provision of investment scam and phishing website takedown service

You must be a logged in AusTender registered user to watch a planned procurement
Agency Reference:
81162000 - Software as a Service (SaaS - Cloud)
Estimated Date of Approach to Market:
Quarter 1 2024/2025

Original: Quarter 3 2023/2024

Multi Agency Access:
To Market
Change Comments:
New anticipated release date
As for APP
Last Updated: 16-Sep-2024 10:41 am (ACT Local Time)