Closed ATM View - LSD/RFT/7161/1
LND08120PH1 - Engineer Support Platforms
You are invited to submit a tender in response to Request For Tender (RFT) LSD/RFT/7161/1. The Commonwealth seeks to acquire Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) earth moving, rock crusher and concrete batching plant and off road material handling vehicles and associated support for use by the Australian Defence Force for deployment in Australia and overseas.
An industry briefing will be conducted on Tuesday 30 April 2019 at Seasons Botanic Gardens Hotel, 348 St Kilda Road, Melbourne VIC Australia commencing at 1300h. The Commonwealth will consider requests for one on one briefings after the main briefing has concluded. The Commonwealth reserves the right not to conduct all or any one on one briefing requests. Representatives of prospective tenderers at the briefing will be limited to three (3) personnel. All nominations to attend and to request a one on one briefing are to be forwarded in writing to the Contact Officer by 28 April 2019. A Commonwealth Reference Material Pack is provided to aid in Tenderer submissions. All prospective tenderers accessing the Commonwealth Reference Material Pack are required to execute a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Prospective tenderers are directed to Addendum 19 for further details on the NDA arrangements.
Clause 2.5 Defence Security Requirements. Tenderers must have provided to the Contact Officer a fully executed Non-Disclosure Agreement in accordance with Addendum 19 to the RFT.